stefan, Author at Pacific Energy Company of San Luis Obispo - Alter Your Energy

A clean wood stove is a warm wood stove
Remove soot from your wood stove and the flue pipe once a year. That way, your wood stove will get warmer. A soot layer of even a few ............ [more]


- April 8, 2020

Our Showroom is open Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM, and Saturday from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We are closed on Sundays. Happy New Year! We will be closed Wednesday January 1st, and resume normal hours Thursday the 2nd.

- June 28, 2018

Find these premium products at Pacific Energy Company                                          

Aggregate Metering – NEMV vs. NEMA. - December 21, 2017

Before moving into a discussion of aggregate metering we should review the California State Legislature definition of Net Energy Metering (NEM). “Measuring the difference between the electricity supplied through the electrical grid and the electricity generated by an eligible customer-generator and fed back to the electrical grid over a 12-month period.” NEMV & NEMA (Virtual… [more]

Introducing the Valor HeatShift System - May 24, 2016

Ever wonder how people safely hang a TV or expensive art above a heat producing fireplace?  Careful planning and product choices, until now. Recognizing homeowner needs and expectations Valor has  introduced a heat management system that redirects fireplace warmth to a higher elevation in the room. Designed to reduce surface temperatures, the Valor HeatShift System™… [more]

Wood Insert installation Video - May 3, 2016

Business | Green Inc. Home Green Home: Fireplace Inserts Tom Zeller Jr., editor of the Green Inc. blog, had an energy-efficient fireplace insert installed. This is very good video taking you through the process of deciding to purchase an insert and then building your first fire. Produced by David Frank