Use Our OnLine Estimator Click Here – Pacific Energy Company of San Luis Obispo - Alter Your Energy

Burning Wood? Small amounts of smoke is a good sign
You want a minimal amount of smoke coming from your chimney. Smoke is not "exhaust" – it contains high energy gases that were not burned. That's why it is a good idea.......... [more]

Use Our OnLine Estimator Click Here

Pacific Energy Company has been sizing and specifying photovoltaic systems since 1980.  Input your billing history in the estimator below or have your energy bills professionally analyzed by PEC, for the proper system size – giving you the best return on your investment. No waiting for an unmet sales person to arrive at your door, no hard pressure in home sales.

PEC systems are professionally installed by licensed contractors – on your job, not sitting in an office directing seasonal work crews. We specialize in Sloped, Flat, Tile Roof, Ground Mount & Battery Based Installations.

Once you have decided that a Solar Electric System from Pacific Energy Company is in your best interest, we will have our licensed installing contractor visit your site and finalize all the details – BEFORE you sign a contract.

When it comes to making sure you get FULL POWER from your PV System – for today and tomorrow, Pacific Energy Company is the only choice you need to make.

 Pacific Energy Company – FULL POWER Solar Electric Systems


PV System Quick Estimator